Divine Voice River Retreat

Divine Voice River Retreat

with Kiranjot Kaur & special guest Joss Jaffe, guest yoga teacher Kashi Ananda

Join us for a beautiful Divine Voice River Retreat this September at the gorgeous thousand-acre ranch called Emandal on the Eel River outside of Willits, California. Emandal is truly a hidden treasure, I grew up going to this stunning and secluded farm on a river every summer and I cannot wait to share it with you! 

Wake up for a daily Course in Miracles lesson with Kiranjot then Tri Yoga with Kashi Ananda and live music by Kiranjot.  Yoga will be followed by an hour of Indian Classical note practice that serves as a deep heart meditation as well as being the best vocal warm up I have ever encountered! Then enjoy a vegan farm cooked breakfast in the large farm dinning Hall. After breakfast, join our special guest teacher, Joss Jaffe, to learn about Indian classical rhythm (Tala). Following that you are free to explore the farm, discover mountain hikes and swim in the beautiful private river beaches. We will come together again before dinner for Harmonium basics - get your fingers moving and understand how to start your own daily practice at home. Then share a delicious farm dinner followed by evening chanting and songs lead by Kiranjot and Joss around the campfire.

 This retreat is open to EVERYONE and families with children are invited to enjoy the river with one or both parents trading off coming for morning yoga and chanting and everyone can enjoy our campfire singing before bedtime!


Schedule ( still in progress)

Friday Sept 6

Arrive 3:30 -5:30 pm

Dinner 5:30 pm

Chanting 7-9 pm


Saturday Sept 7th:

Yoga with Kashi & Kiranjot 7:30-8:30

Note practice 8:30-9:45

Breakfast 10 am

Tala & Rhythm with Joss Jaffe 11:15-12:30

Free practice & river time 12:30 - 3pm  

Harmonium basics 3:15 -5:15 pm

Dinner 5:30 pm

Chanting at fire circle 7-9 pm


Sunday Sept 8th:

Yoga with Kashi & Kiranjot 7:30-8:30

Morning Note practice 8:30-9:45

Breakfast 10 am

Tala & Rhythm with Joss Jaffe 11:15-12:30

Free practice & river time 12:30 - 3pm  

3-4 pm – Daily note practice take home routine & closing

Departure 4-5 pm


kiranjot Kaur

“When Kiranjot joins in our chants, her presence infuses the air with a powerful energy that transcends words. It's as if love itself has manifested, weaving its gentle yet unstoppable threads through our hearts and souls. In those moments, barriers dissolve, fears fade, and unity prevails. Together, we become a symphony of love, echoing the timeless truth that indeed, love conquers all.” - Asya Gashi founder of Om Chanting LA

Kiranjot Kaur is a Vocalist, founding member of Copper Wimmin, Kundalini Yoga teacher, Indian Classical music teacher and a devotee of the Divine Mother. Copper Wimmin were featured on Democracy Now and their song Bleeding Rivers was featured on the Showtime Television series The L Word. In 2006 Kiranjot refocused her career around Indian classical music and spent five years living and studying under the guidance of her beloved teacher Dr. Ustad Narindar Singh in Amritsar, India. No longer interested in performance where the audience is separate from the performer, Kiranjot brings together her early experiences of community singing with Sweet Honey in the Rock and Bobby McFerrin with her love of  Indian Music and Kirtan Traditions. Kiranjot invites everyone to be transformed by the healing power of their own voice as well as the practice of singing together as ONE. From her travels through India to Chile and back she discovered that her favorite thing in this world is to inspire everyone regardless of their experience with singing to use their voices as a method of quieting the mind, surrendering to presence and revolutionary self-love.