RIPE AREA Arts & Nature Festival
( Kiranjot will lead Kirtan for the Trees at 1pm, Copper Wimmin 5:15pm)

Inspired by Water and Riparian Habitat EXPLORE, MAKE, TASTE, LEARN & PLAY Live Music - Native Food & Plants - Kids Zone - Eco Talks A special day of outdoor family-friendly experiences

created by artists, poets, dancers, healers, musicians, ecologists, storytellers, and more.

Stroll the Native Plants Garden, try tastes of Native foods, walk along the lake to the Healing Grove, Sound Art Installation, and Music in the Glade. The afternoon features a parade and stage performances by RIPE AREA artists and special guests including Copper Wimmin, Ranko Ogura Dance, and DOGON.

Be inspired in new ways about river and meadow habitats, wildlife, water access and environmental stewardship.

When: Sunday, June 2nd, 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM